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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Morning

 I woke up this morning...SORE lol  Which I think is great. yay I have a full day of laundry ahead of me. I showed my daughter the Just Dance video game this morning and she said she would def play it with me. My sister in law has been storing and exercise bike at my house, so since it is here i think I am gonna move it into the living room, and use it. I figure why not right.
When i got up this morning, out of habit I just fixed myself something to eat, 2 sausage sandwiches. Not good i know.  I was like good grief 2 patties has 38 grams of fat. sheesh And I feel bad. I need to stock my house with some better choices. We have so much junk in this house from Christmas it is ridiculous.  My hands feel swollen which I am sure is from the salt in the patties, and my morning Diet mt Dew. I have alot of habits I need to break.
Any way, I am going to go get my first bottle of water started, maybe it will help clear out this bloated feeling.
I am gonna post again later, cause I feel like I need to hold myself accountable for everything.
Off to fold some clothes!!!!!!!!!!1


  1. First step is getting rid of all the junk and stocking up with GOOD WHOLE foods! I did a "what I am eating" post a few months ago. I am due for another. But you can check it out...

  2. Baby steps, Momma.. I hear the hardest thing to do is give up Mt. Dews.. so start small (like changing your breakfast habits) and then build up to doing more.. :)

  3. I think it's so important to put healthy food in the house. I know it's so hard, especially around the holidays, but if you can reach for something healthy instead of something not quite so bad. Or even pairing 1 sausage with some healthy like fruit or veggies? The smallest changes help.
